
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

තවීෂ ලකිඳු පීරිස්‌ ඝාතනය කිරීමේ පසුපස ෂම්රුස්‌ කාන් නමැති පදිංචි මුස්‌ලිම් ජාතිකයෙක්

බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයේ ෂෙපීල්ඩ්හි මෘදුකාංග ඉංජිනේරුවකු වූ තවීෂ ලකිඳු පීරිස්‌ ඝාතනය කිරීම ගැන අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන ඇති සැකකරු ෂම්රුස්‌ කාන් නමැති එම ප්‍රදේශයේ පදිංචි මුස්‌ලිම් ජාතිකයකු යෑයි අනාවරණය වී ඇත.

මොහුට සහාය වූ තවත් 17 හැවිරිදි තරුණයකු ද දකුණු යෝර්ක්‌ෂයර් පොලිසිය මගින් අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන තිබේ.

තවීෂ ලකිඳු පීරිස්‌ ඝාතනය මුදල් කොල්ලකෑමකට සිදු කළ දෙයක්‌ නොව පළිගැනීමට සිදුවූවක්‌ යෑයි දකුණු යෝර්ක්‌ෂයර් පොලිසිය සැක කරන බව ෂෙපීල්ඩ් ප්‍රදේශයේ ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ආරංචි මාර්ග පැවසීය.

 මෙම ඝාතනයේ සැකකරුවන් ගැන අනාවරණය වී ඇත්තේ අසල නිවසක තිබූ සමීප රූප දැක්‌වෙන වීඩියෝ කැමරා පද්ධතියකිනි. සැකකරුවන් දෙදෙනා ලබන සෙනසුරාදා (09 දා) දකුණු යෝර්ක්‌ෂයර් අධිකරණය වෙත ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට නියමිතය.

Domino's Pizza worker stabbed to death on his final delivery was not robbed, police reveal

A 50-strong police team is investigating the brutal death of a "career-minded, hard-working, bright, articulate and friendly young man"
Graduation: Thavisha Lakindu Peiris studied software engineering
South Yorkshire Police/PA
Police investigating the murder of a Domino's Pizza worker on his last ever delivery have said no cash was stolen.
25-year-old graduate Thavisha Lakindu Peiris, 25, was found slumped at the wheel of his Toyota Yaris on Sunday night after being stabbed to deathj.
Detectives say they cannot explain the "brutal and shocking death" of a "friendly young man" due to begin a dream job as an IT consultant.
The police officer leading the investigation, Detective Superintendent Lisa Ray, said her team did not know why Thavisha had been killed.
She said she could not rule out any motive, including robbery, although she said a small amount of cash was still with him in the car, which did not have Domino's livery.
Thavisha, a Buddhist from the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo, had worked for the pizza shop for two years after graduating from Sheffield Hallam University with a software engineering degree.
Thavisha Lakindu Peiris
Found slumped in his car: Thavisha Lakindu Peiris
His manager at Domino's, Ravi Marripudi, said Thavisha has not been feeling well that evening and he had agreed to make one last delivery before going home.
Mr Marripudi said he set off to take the pizza to Southey Crescent - about a mile from his base - at about 9.50pm.
But 15 minutes later he got a call from the customer saying the order had not been delivered and there were voices outside.
The manager said he sent another driver to look for Mr Peiris and he found his colleague unconscious in his car, in a residents' parking bay near the delivery address.
"It is so shocking," Mr Marripudi said. "He was such a kind person. If someone had wanted money, he would not have fought.
"He would have handed it over. He was just a really nice person. He was very excited about his new job."
Mr Marripudi said his delivery drivers were so worried about the murder that that four have now decided to quit.
Det Supt Lisa Ray speaking at the scene
No explanation: Det Supt Lisa Ray speaking at the scene
 Det Supt Lisa Ray added: "Thavisha Lakindu Peiris was a bright, hard-working, intelligent and caring man who had worked hard to develop his career in Sheffield.
"His murder is an absolute tragedy and has caused untold grief for his mother, father and brother in Sri Lanka and for his many friends in Sri Lanka and in Sheffield.
"Everything we have learned from his family, friends and workmates at Domino's suggests he was a career-minded, hard-working, bright, articulate and friendly young man who was very much planning his future.
"To date, we have found no explanation for his brutal and shocking death. I need to hear from anyone who knows anything about his murder."
A 50-strong police team is working on the murder inquiry. Thavisha's family are preparing to travel to South Yorkshire.

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