ප්රභාකරන්ගේ යුද පෙරමුණ පෙනෙන්න සටන් කළ පෙරමුණක් බවත් එහෙත් විග්නේෂ්වරන්ගේ රාජතාන්ත්රික පෙරමුණ නොපෙනෙන, නොගැටෙන පෙරමුණක් බවත් හෙතෙම සඳහන් කළේය.
පෙනෙන දෙයක් හා ගැටීම පහසු මුත් මෙම නොපෙනෙන පෙරමුණට එරෙහිව ක්රියා කිරීම අපහසු කාර්යයක් බවත් පාඨලී චම්පික කියා සිටියේය.
කෙසේ වෙතත් දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානයට අවශ්ය ලෙස මෙරට දේශපාලනය හා රජය නටවන්න තම පක්ෂය ඉඩ නොදෙන බව හෙතෙම අවධාරණය කළේය.
එම නාසිවාදී අන්තවාදී නඩයට මැතිවරණ ජයක් හිමිව ඇතත් ඔවුන් 77 ගමන යන්නේ නම් එය පරාජය කිරීමට තම පක්ෂය කටයුතු කරන බව ද ඇමැතිවරයා කීවේය.
තම පක්ෂය එවැනි ක්රියාකාරකමකට අවතීර්ණ වන්නේ දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානයට ඇති බියක් නිසා නොව, අනාගත පරපුර ගැන සිතා බවත් සැබැවින්ම දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානයේ මෙම ගමන ගැන බිය විය යුත්තේ දෙමළ ප්රජාවම බවත් හෙතෙම සඳහන් කළේය.
ත්රස්තවාදීන්ගේ දේශපාලන පෙරමුණකට ලෝකයේ කිසිදු රටක් මෙලෙස ඉදිරියට ඒමට ඉඩ දී නැති බව සිහිපත් කළ පාඨලී චම්පික යුද අරගලයකට වඩා රාජතාන්ත්රිකව සිදුකරන අරගල අතිශයින්ම භයානක බවත් සිහිපත් කළේය.
Prabhakaran is not a terrorist He is a hero .Vigneswaran
The LTTE organisation is not a terrorist organisation and Prabhakaran is not a terrorist but was a Leader quipped the proposed TNA`s Chief Minister Candidate nominee for the Northern Province Vigneswaran.
This was added by Vigneswaran while giving an interview to a private radio channel.
When Prabhakaran was living and leading the LTTE the 13+ was agreed to be given by Leaders of the South purely as he was true Leader was added by Vigneswaran who also added that for the North the 13+ is really needed. In the event the 13+ is not granted he will see what would be anticipated he added further.
While the interview was on Vigneswaran says he does not consider and classify the LTTE as a terrorist organisation. The terrorist activities were made as the cadres were all children of the Tamil people in the North. He cannot say that LTTE was a terrorist organisation was emphasised by him Who say they are terrorists? The views of people are different. However he did not want them to be called terrorists was added by him.
He added further saying It is not only me, but the entire people in the North say the same thing. The government also says so. When he was living it was promised to give 13++.That was because he was a true Leader. In order to resolve problems in the North, federal powers should be given. Police and Land powers are a legal right and should be granted. No one could deprive these powers. If these powers are not granted we will look after then he had added further.
At an interview earlier Vigneswaran had classified the LTTE cadres as `our children`
This was added by Vigneswaran while giving an interview to a private radio channel.
When Prabhakaran was living and leading the LTTE the 13+ was agreed to be given by Leaders of the South purely as he was true Leader was added by Vigneswaran who also added that for the North the 13+ is really needed. In the event the 13+ is not granted he will see what would be anticipated he added further.
While the interview was on Vigneswaran says he does not consider and classify the LTTE as a terrorist organisation. The terrorist activities were made as the cadres were all children of the Tamil people in the North. He cannot say that LTTE was a terrorist organisation was emphasised by him Who say they are terrorists? The views of people are different. However he did not want them to be called terrorists was added by him.
He added further saying It is not only me, but the entire people in the North say the same thing. The government also says so. When he was living it was promised to give 13++.That was because he was a true Leader. In order to resolve problems in the North, federal powers should be given. Police and Land powers are a legal right and should be granted. No one could deprive these powers. If these powers are not granted we will look after then he had added further.
At an interview earlier Vigneswaran had classified the LTTE cadres as `our children`
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