මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය පවසන්නේ ඊළමට පාර කපන ‘අනාගතයක්’ ගැනදැයි ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණ සැක පළ කරයි.
එම පක්ෂ මාධ්ය ප්රකාශක මොහොමඞ් මුසම්මිල් මහතා විසින් මේ බව සඳහන් කරමින් නිකුත් කර ඇති මාධ්ය නිවේදනය මෙසේය.
මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය පවසන්නේ ඊළමට පාර කපන ‘අනාගතයක්’ ගැනද?
‘දෙමළ – මුස්ලිම් අපි එකට එකතු වන කාලය ඇවිල්ලා. අපේ අනාගතය තියෙන්නේ එකතු වුණොත් විතරයි’ යනුවෙන් වන ප්රකාශයන් පසුගියදා ශ්රී ලංකා මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසයේ මහ ලේකම් හසන් අලී මහතා විසින් සිදු කොට තිබේ.
මෙම ප්රකාශයෙහි ඇති බරපතළකම මෙරට ජනතාවට, විශේෂයෙන් මෙරට මුස්ලිම් ජනතාවට අවධාරණය කිරීම, ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණ තම අත් හළ නොහැකි වගකීමක් ලෙස සලකනු ලබයි.
බටහිර අධිරාජ්යවාදයේ සහයෝගය ඇතිව මේ වන විට දියත්ව ඇති ‘දෙවන දෙමළ ඊළාම් මෙහෙයුමෙහි’ න්යාය පත්රයට අනුකූලව මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය කටයුතු කරමින් සිටින බව අපි දිගින් දිගටම පෙන්වා දුන්නෙමු. ඒ බව හසන් අලී මහතාගේ ඉහත ප්රකාශයෙන් තවදුරටත් තහවුරු වී තිබේ. මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසයද බටහිර අධිරාජ්යවාදයේ සෘජු අනුග්රහය සහිතව ක්රියාත්මක වන ඇතැම් අන්තවාදී කණ්ඩායම්ද පසුගිය වකවානුව පුරා උත්සාහ ගත්තේ සිංහල හා මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව අතර චිරාත් කාලයක් තිස්සේ පැවැති සාමකාමී සහජීවනය තදින් බිඳ දැමීමටය. ‘සිංහල ජනතාවගේ හිරිහැර තවදුරටත් නොඉවසිය යුතුය. ඊට ප්රතිචාර වශයෙන් අප උතුරු නැෙ`ගනහිර පළාත්වලදී දෙමළ ජනතාව සමග අත්වැල් බැඳගත යුතුයි’ යන මතය මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව තුළ තහවුරු කිරීම මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය මේ හරහා බලාපොරොත්තු විය.
ඉහත කී ගැටුම්කාරී තත්ත්වයද දඩමීමා කරගනිමින් අද මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය නව දෙමළ ඊළාම් මෙහෙයුමට අදාළ ‘තම වැඩ කොටස’ අරඹා ඇති බව පැහැදිලිය. නව ඊළමට අදාළ න්යාය පත්රය සැකෙවින් පහත පරිදි පැහැදිලි කළ හැක. ‘පළමුව උතුරු පළාත් සභාව තුළ මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය සහ දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය සහයෝගයෙන් කටයුතු කරනු ඇත. දෙවනුව, නැගනහිර පළාත් සභාව තුළද දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය හා මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය සන්ධානගත වනු ඇත. තෙවනුව මෙම පළාත් දෙක ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමට අදාළ යෝජනා සම්මත කර ගනු ඇත. ඉන් අනතුරුව උතුරු – නැගනහිර පළාත් දෙක තුළ ස්වයං පාලන අධිකාරියක් පිහිටුවීමටත් අවසානයේදී එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ මහා මණ්ඩලයේ අනුමැතියෙන් ‘දෙමළ ඊළම’ බිහිකර ගැනීමටත්’ මෙම න්යාය පත්රයට ඇතුළත්ය.
දැන් උතුරු පළාත් සභාව තුළදී මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය සහ දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය සන්ධානගත වී අවසන්ය. ඊළග පියවර වන්නේ නැෙ`ගනහිර පළාත් සභාව තුළ දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය සමග සන්ධානගත වී එහි බලය ලබා ගැනීමය. හසන් අලීලාගේ මෙවැනි ප්රකාශ තුළින් විiාමාන වන්නේ නැෙ`ගනහිර පළාත් සභාවේ ‘බලය ඇල්ලීම’ ඉදිරි ජනාධිපතිවරණයට පෙර සිදු වනු ඇති බවද? මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය අද මෙසේ අත්වැල් බැඳ ගෙන ඇත්තේ කාත්තන්කුඩි මූතූර් වැනි ප්රදේශවලදී මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව සමූල ඝාතනය කළ කුරිරු කොටි ත්රස්තවාදීන්ගේ ‘දේශපාලන පෙරමුණ’ වන දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය සමගය. 1990දී උතුරෙන් මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව පළවා හැරි කුරිරු කොටි ත්රස්තවාදීන්ගේ දේශපාලන පෙරමුණ වන දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය සමගය. දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය යනු කොටින්ගේ ‘දේශපාලන පෙරමුණ’ බව අමතක කිරීමට මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසයට හැකි වූවාට මෙරට වෙසෙන මුස්ලිම් ජනතාවට, විශේෂයෙන් නැගනහිර මුස්ලිම් ජනතාවට ඒ බව කිසි දිනෙක අමතක කිරීමට නොහැක.
දෙවන ඊළාම් මෙහෙයුමට දරදිය අදින රාවුෆ් හකීම් අමාත්යවරයා ප්රමුඛ මුස්ලිම් කොංග්රසය අද කටයුතු කරන්නේ කා වෙනුවෙන්ද? මෙරට මුස්ලිම් ජනතාවගේ හිතසුව පිණිසද? එසේ නොමැති නම් බටහිර බලවතුන්ගේ සහ ලේ පිපාසිත ‘කොටි ත්රස්තවාදයේ දේශපාලන පෙරමුණේ’ හිතසුව පිණිසද? යන්න ලැබූ සාමයේ ප්රතිඵල භුක්ති විඳින, රටට හිතැති මෙරට සියලූ මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව ගැඹුරුවෙන් සිතා බැලිය යුතුව තිබේ.
මොහොමඞ් මුසම්මිල්
හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රී,
මාධ්ය ප්රකාශක,
ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණ
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මාධ්ය ප්රකාශක,
ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණ
"I can prove meeting with President"
Following are excerpts of an interview:
Q: At a previous interview with the media, you said that you met President Chandrika Kumaratunga at President's House in connection with the conspiracy to remove Rauf Hakeem as leader of the SLMC. Now the President has denied ever meeting with you. Have you then lied?
A: What I have to say is that, everything I said in that interview was the absolute truth. I have lots of evidence to prove that I met her. There were several matters she mentioned during the course of that discussion which can be verified to prove we met. What I can mention specifically is that her son, Vimukthi spoke to her that day asking her to send him money. She told me that she had been unable to send the money to him. Initially I said that I had been to see her around the 18th or 19th but now I remember I went to see her on the 20th.
Q: The 20th of April?
A: The 20th of April, yes. That day, Vimukthi called her and asked her why she had not sent him the money. That is what the President told me. While she was talking to me she told me that she had been unable to send him the money because of all her work. She also conveyed to me that she was going to send him the money the next day. If you were to look for this information, I'm sure you could find it, firstly whether she received a call from Vimukthi on the 20th and secondly whether the President sent the money on the 21st of April or a date close to it to her son. If an impartial investigation is conducted and remittances from the President's account and receipts to Vimukthi's account will confirm this. If I had not met with her, I would not have access to this kind of information, would I?
Q: That means, according to the President, her son Vimukthi called her and told her that money that was supposed to have been sent to him had not been sent and the President told you that she had been unable to send the money but would do so in a few days.
A: She said she would send it the next day, that's the 21st. In any event the President's son would know whether he called his mother and made such a request and even though she can deny meeting me to the whole world, at least her son will know upon reading this that his mother has lied to the nation.
Q: Which means, if one were to peruse the President's bank account or Vimukthi's London bank accounts there will be a transaction between the 20th and the 22nd, that would prove your statements are in fact true. It would prove that the President met you and did in fact make these statements to you.
A: Apart from this she also told me that she had to meet the priests after her meeting with me.
Q: That was on the 20th?
A: Yes, on the 20th. That would have been at about 09:30.
Q: Your appointment was at 4:30 in the evening...
A: It was around that time..
Q: You can't say. But you said that she had been an hour or two late for your meeting. Did she say anything else?
A: She had met an ambassador before her appointment with me. I can't remember who exactly, but I think it was either the Norwegian Ambassador or the Indian High Commissioner she mentioned. That too the diplomatic community can verify among themselves which one of them met with the President on the 20th. These things I believe in keeping with protocol must be entered at least in some diary.
Q: In other words, the President told you that before her meeting with you, she had met an ambassador?
A: Yes.
Q: In other words, on the 20th of April if one were to scan the President's appointments or if one were to talk to the Ambassadors, that would also prove your story was true.
A: Yes.
Q: Now you said the President spoke to you for about two hours. Did she say anything else to you during this discussion which could help confirm the meeting?
A: Yes. She said many things. Some were so nasty and scandalous that I can't mention them here, since those things were said about certain individuals. She also told me that she would buy me a flat...
Q: A flat?
A: Yes, that she would buy me a flat in Colombo. She spoke of two places where there are flats, but said she wouldn't send me there since they were where several UNPers were keeping women of ill repute and Russians were staying at. She said she couldn't send me to those places, but that she herself would look for a flat and buy it for me. If the President is prepared to face a lie detector test about our meeting, I too will agree and then you can see who the liar is
Q: You said she also promised she would send you to America.
A: Yes. She said she would buy me a flat and also send me to America.
Q: Apart from this, do you recall her saying anything else about her personal life? About her children or anything?
A: Yes, she spoke of her son.
Q: What did she say about him? The reason I'm asking is because then her son will know for sure whether this is true or not. At least her son will know whether his mother is telling the truth or not.
A: Yes, she told me that her son was 21 years old and that he didn't have a girlfriend yet. She said she had asked him why he had no girlfriend yet. Then he had told her that he would not date various people but instead that he would only have a relationship with a girl he could marry.
Q: The President informed you of this discussion that she had with her son?
A: Yes.
Q: Who else was present during this discussion?
A: SLMC MPs Najeeb and Reshad were there at the time.
Q: Now you were at the Ceylon Continental Hotel for a while and you said that you stayed there on the instructions of the President and all the bills were to be paid by her. Now when you ordered food and other things from the hotel, did you sign for these items?
A: Yes, I was told to sign as Ekanayake.
Q: Who asked you to sign as Ekanayake?
A: Lasantha Alagiyawanna told me to . I met one of her secretaries also when I went to President's House. At the time I did not know the name. On the first day that I was taken to the hotel this secretary was also there and his name was given as Ekanayake. At that time I was told that he was Ekanayake and everything was under that name.
Q: You don't know for sure whether the person's real name is Ekanayake or not?
A: No, I don't. With regard to the hotel bills, I was told to sign as Ekanayake, but I signed one bill as K. Cooray.
Q: On one bill you signed as K. Cooray and all the others you signed as Ekanayake.
A: Yes.
Q: So if we were to investigate the bills at Ceylon Continental on the 20th and the days following, the food and other bills should bear the signature Ekanayake and one bill would bear the signature K. Cooray.
A: Yes.
Q: If the bills were taken to the Examiner of Questioned Documents for investigation, it can be identified as your handwriting?
A: Yes, it can be identified and everyone at the hotel knew that I had been asked to stay at the hotel by the President.
Q: Now, all your hotel bills were going to be paid by the President. Do you know whether to date the Continental Hotel has denied these allegations you made over Sirasa TV and published in the print media that the President's office had in fact instructed the hotel the bills will be settled by the President ?
A: Not as far as I know.
Q: You also said that, during your discussion with the President, MPs Najeeb and Reshad Badurdeen were also present. To your knowledge to date have these two people denied the allegations that they accompanied you for the meeting with the President?
A: No they have not so far to the best of my knowledge.
But if they were to deny it I have enough evidence with me to prove that to the contrary.
Q: What proof do you have?
A: I have an audio tape of a conversation with Najeeb, that already states what was discussed about the meeting.
Q: What was on that tape ?
A: There is one spot on the tape where Najeeb asked me whether I met the President again?
Q: When was this tape recorded ?
A: That was about the 26th of April.
Q: That is after the tussle for the speaker's post ?
A: Yes
Q: You say in the tape, Najeeb asked whether you met the President again. He specifically uses the word 'again'?
A: Yes, he asked if I met her after the first occasion and I replied I had not. The conversation is in Sinhala and he asks whether I met the President, "Ita Passay"
Q: Why do you claim that, that statement proves that you had met the President previously.
A: Well, because he asks whether I met her again. Does it not imply that I have already met her .
Q: Can you give me that tape to verify what you are saying ?
A: Yes I will give it to you
Q: Why do you think that the President is trying to paint you to be a liar who imagined this entire meeting with her..She claims she does not know you and has never heard of you...why do you think she says this after all her promises to you of buying you a flat and sending you to America and getting you to write that letter. That is according to what you have gone on record as saying ?
A: Well, I think she says these things because she was unable to bring her plans to fruition through me. But I think that she chose the wrong person for this conspiracy. She has to deny to save face, otherwise the whole country and the diplomats will judge her as a person who resorts to such despicable tactics to destroy a political opponent. Either she should have first thought about who I was and who I was related to. Actually she made a foolish decision, my concern is that such a person runs this country - someone who would use someone like me to make sure she would be President for all eternity. She did a foolish thing by trying to use me.
Q: Apart from the President several others mentioned by you as involved in this conspiracy have also denied ever having met you, including Sripathi Sooriy-archchi, Mangala Samaraweera, Mahindananda Aluthgamage, Lasantha Alagiyawanna and Samaraweera's media consultant Ruwan Ferdinandez. What have you got to say about their denials?
A: Well, I have no personal grudge against any of these people, so why should I lie about only them ? Although I know many UNP MPs, I don't know anybody in the PA and have no personal vendettas against any of them. So I have no reason to make false allegations about them at all...
Q: How can you prove that you met them?
A: I have lots of evidence to prove that. On one of the recordings I have a conversation that Mangala Samaraweera had with Reshad. If you check my room telephone bills in the hotel, I have called the President's hand phone number and Mangala Samaraweera's residence.
Q: How did you get the President's mobile number?
A: Reshad gave it to me saying the President had said that I could talk to her any time. ...
Q: Did the President also tell you to call her any time?
A: Yes, yes. She also told me call her anytime..she asked me to think of her as a mother and that she would be responsible for me and I was to do as she instructed.
Q: Now you said that MP Najeeb gave you Mangala Samara- weera's telephone number written in his (Najeeb's) handwriting. Can you provide us with a copy of that?
A: Yes I can.
Q: Can that be identified as Najeeb's hand-writing?
A: Yes. It can be identified.
Q: Can you also prove that this number in Najeeb's handwriting could not have come into your possession unless Najeeb gave it you?
A: No, but how would I otherwise have something he wrote.
Q: Now you said that Deputy Minister Sripathi Sooriyarachchi's brother-in-law was sent to pick you up on the 22nd to go to parliament. Do you have any evidence to prove this?
A: Yes, on the night of the 21st, Reshad told me to speak to Mangala Samaraweera. He in fact placed the call on his mobile. If Reshad's hand phone bill is perused, at about 10.30 pm.
Q: In the night?
A: Yes in the night. A call was made to Mangala Samaraweera from Reshad's mobile phone. So if Reshad's bill is looked at, and this particular call was recorded, that would prove I was telling the truth.
Q: So if the cellphones of Reshad and Managala Samaraweera were checked, there would be a call between the two phones at this time.
A: Yes.
Q: No you said Najeeb wrote Managala Samaraweera's phone number and gave it to you, could you read that number out ?
A: . After that, once I had spoken to him on Reshad's hand phone, Mangala said he would phone me later that night. He said he would tell me then who was going to pick me up and what time..
Q: Did Managala Samaraweera tell you the name of the person being sent to pick you up?
A: Yes. After that he called again. He told me to write down that someone called Lalitha was going to pick me up in the morning. He said he was Sripathi Sooriyarachchi's brother-in-law.
Q: So if there is someone called Lalitha related to Sripathi Sooriyarachchi that would also substantiate your story.
A: Yes.
Q: Now Lasantha Alagiyawanna has also denied that he was involved in the conspiracy and that you were a 'mad woman.' What do you have to say about this ?
A: All I have to say is that on behalf of this 'mad woman' he wasted one and a half hours when he took me to the President's House that day. And he was the person who took the most pains to protect me. He behaved like a 'mad dog' to protect me. That's what I have to say.
Q: Now you said you met Sripathi Sooriyarachchi and his wife at Managala Samaraweera's house. Can you prove that Sripathi Sooriyarachchi's wife accompanied you to parliament? Or at least that she was with you at parliament that day?
A: Yes, there are visuals of both of us seated next to each other at the Parliament Gallery that I saw on either ITN or Rupavahini coverage of that day.
Q: If these visuals were gone through Sripathi Sooriya-rachchi's wife would be seated next to you in parliament?
A: Yes
CBK denies allegations A press release from the President's office categorically denied the various references to the President with regard to the recent exposes made in the media about the unsavoury happenings in the private life of former Minister Rauf Hakeem. The release states: "The President wishes to state that she has never had the occasion to meet or talk with the lady named Ms. Kumari Cooray as reported by Lasantha Wickrematunga in the newspaper owned by him and over a television station owned by the Maharajah Organisation. "While the President's office is in no way surprised Wickrematunga continues to indulge in his usual practices of laundering linen, rendered filth by his own fabrications and lies about the President. The President's office wishes to state very clearly that the President has no interest in the manner in which various individuals, famous or infamous, conduct their private lives. "The President's office wishes to highlight that this seems to be the high point of the smear campaign carried on against the President, beginning from December 2001, when the UNP took power. "Several other cabinet and deputy ministers of the government whose names have also been implicated falsely by Wickrematunga in the same sordid affair have already denied these allegations and have made statements to the police requesting a full inquiry into these allegations. "The President has directed the police to conduct a full and fair inquiry without delay. "Legal action will be instituted against the individuals and the media institutions that have willfully and publicly attempted to tarnish the good names of the President and the said ministers." |
The bribery charges against Hakeem is , that through his coordinating secretary a sum of Rs. 10 lakhs had been collected by him to admit students to Law college. In this connection a file comprising 9 pages with typewritten statements of witnesses had been prepared. In addition to this , the two files of rape against Hakeem relate to his past rape charges .
In those files are statements recorded from time to time of Kumari Cooray (daughter of Mervyn Cooray M P who committed suicide ) over an illicit love affair with Rauff Hakeem. 16 statements had been recorded against Rauff Hakeem in those files. The relevant video footage is with the Rajapakses , and that footage had been made available to the Rajapakses by Kili Maharaja , LeN inside information division discloses.
However as the prime witness who mounted charges is no longer living , difficulties have sprung in the filing of charges. Hitheto Hakeem had been controlled and curbed by the Rajapakses by showing the files containing the charges, according to LeN inside information division.
No matter what, the decision making council of the SLMC is to meet today (7) evening to take a decision regarding their resigning from the government. Hakeem is trying to put off the decision of the Council for three months in order to escape the blackmailing tactics of the Rajapakses without indicating that , SLMC inside sources revealed.
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