
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

බොරෝබුදුර් විහාරය විනාශ කරන බව මුස්‌ලිම් අන්තවාදීන් ප්‍රකාශ කරයි....

'බොරෝබුදුර් වනසනවා' මුස්‌ලිම් සංවිධානය අනතුරු අඟවයි

ලොව ප්‍රමුඛතම බෞද්ධ විහාරයක්‌ වන ඉන්දුනීසියාවේ පිහිටි බොරෝබුදුර් විහාරය වනසන බවට මුස්‌ලිම් අන්තවාදී අයි. එස්‌. අයි. එස්‌. සංවිධානය ප්‍රකාශ කර ඇත.

මෙම තර්ජනය කර ඇත්තේ  FACE BOOK  වෙබ් අඩවිය හරහාය.
දෙවියන්ගේ කැමැත්ත අනුව මෙම විහාරය විනාශ කරන බව එම වෙබ් අඩවියේ අනතුරු අඟවා ඇත.
මේ තර්ජනය නිසා මධ්‍යම ජාවා හි පොලිස්‌ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව බොරෝ බුදුර් විහාරස්‌ථානයේ ආරක්‍ෂාව තර කොට ඇත.
එමෙන්ම හමුදා ආරක්‍ෂාව ද යොදවන බව එරට හමුදා ප්‍රකාශකයා සඳහන් කර තිබිණි. ලොව විශාලතම බෞද්ධ විහාරය ලෙස සලකන මෙය 9 වැනි සියවසේදී ඉදිකරනු ලැබිණි.
1985 දී මුස්‌ලිම් අන්තවාදීහු මෙම විහාරයට බෝම්බ ප්‍රහාර එල්ල කර ස්‌ථූප අටක්‌ විනාශ

JAKARTA (THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - The police in Central Java have tightened security measures at the Borobudur Temple in Magelang in response to an apparent threat made by Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria (ISIS) supporters to attack the world-renowned cultural heritage site.

National Police spokesman Ronny F. Sompie said on Friday that aside from tightening security around Borobudur, the Central Java Police had begun poring over data from the Internet for possible clues about the plan.

"The Central Java Police chief has ordered an investigation into the threat and we expect that there will be cooperation with the temple's security personnel and the Indonesian Military (TNI) to safeguard the temple from any possible damage," he said in Jakarta.

The threat to attack Borobudur appeared first on social networking platform Facebook on Aug 15 in an account titled "We Are Islamic State". "God willing, (Borobudur) will be demolished by Islamic caliphate mujahidin!" the web page declared.

It also quoted an article from a radical website, in which cleric Hartono Ahmad Jaiz derided several statue-construction projects in the country, which he said contravened Islamic principles.

It appears unlikely, however, that the website or Hartono are involved in the planning of a possible attack on Borobudur, as the website is known for its strong opposition to the ISIS movement.Borobudur Conservation Agency head Marsis Sutopo said the agency had increased the number of security personnel within and around the temple following the news of the threat.
 Are we've all thought about how the process of making the world's most magnificent temple named Borobudur? The temple is obviously built on dynasty that in fact there was not yet advanced technology as it is now. How and under what they did it. Interesting fact is that the lack of practical tools. How many workers needed to build these masterpieces? Borobudur is still a lot of mystery since it was rediscovered by Raffles in 1814 until now. Unlike the giant pyramids in Egypt and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico and many other pyramid around the world. Candi Borobudur is another version of the pyramid. Borobudur pyramid form kepunden staircase will not be found in the region and any country, including in India. And that's one of the advantages of Borobudur temple which is a typical Buddhist architecture in Indonesia.

"We've increased the number of security officers and have coordinated with PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur (TWCB, which manages tourism activities at the temple) and the local police," he said on Friday in Magelang.Earlier, the commander of the Diponegoro Military Command, Major-General Sunindyo, confirmed his preparedness to back up security around the temple.Constructed in the ninth century, 
Borobudur is regarded as the world's largest Buddhist monument and one of the most complex structures erected during that period.Borobudur was previously the target of a bombing attack.In 1985, extremists detonated bombs that damaged nine of the stupas at Borobudur.The police claimed that the attack was perpetrated by Muslim radicals Mohammad Jawad, Abdulkadir Ali Alhabsyi and his brother Husein Ali Alhabsyi. Jawad has never been captured.A year after the bombing, Abdulkadir was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his involvement in the attack, while his brother Husein was sentenced to life in 1991.

In 1999, then President B.J. Habibie granted clemency for Husein.

In August 2013, security measures around Borobudur were significantly tightened following the bombing of the Buddhist Ekayana Graha Vihara in Jakarta.

JAKARTA (THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - The police in Central Java have tightened security measures at the Borobudur Temple in Magelang in response to an apparent threat made by Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria (ISIS) supporters to attack the world-renowned cultural heritage site.
National Police spokesman Ronny F. Sompie said on Friday that aside from tightening security around Borobudur, the Central Java Police had begun poring over data from the Internet for possible clues about the plan.
"The Central Java Police chief has ordered an investigation into the threat and we expect that there will be cooperation with the temple's security personnel and the Indonesian Military (TNI) to safeguard the temple from any possible damage," he said in Jakarta.
The threat to attack Borobudur appeared first on social networking platform Facebook on Aug 15 in an account titled "We Are Islamic State". "God willing, (Borobudur) will be demolished by Islamic caliphate mujahidin!" the web page declared.
It also quoted an article from a radical website, in which cleric Hartono Ahmad Jaiz derided several statue-construction projects in the country, which he said contravened Islamic principles.
It appears unlikely, however, that the website or Hartono are involved in the planning of a possible attack on Borobudur, as the website is known for its strong opposition to the ISIS movement.
Borobudur Conservation Agency head Marsis Sutopo said the agency had increased the number of security personnel within and around the temple following the news of the threat.
"We've increased the number of security officers and have coordinated with PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur (TWCB, which manages tourism activities at the temple) and the local police," he said on Friday in Magelang.
Earlier, the commander of the Diponegoro Military Command, Major-General Sunindyo, confirmed his preparedness to back up security around the temple.
Constructed in the ninth century, Borobudur is regarded as the world's largest Buddhist monument and one of the most complex structures erected during that period.
Borobudur was previously the target of a bombing attack.
In 1985, extremists detonated bombs that damaged nine of the stupas at Borobudur.
The police claimed that the attack was perpetrated by Muslim radicals Mohammad Jawad, Abdulkadir Ali Alhabsyi and his brother Husein Ali Alhabsyi. Jawad has never been captured.
A year after the bombing, Abdulkadir was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his involvement in the attack, while his brother Husein was sentenced to life in 1991.
In 1999, then President B.J. Habibie granted clemency for Husein.
In August 2013, security measures around Borobudur were significantly tightened following the bombing of the Buddhist Ekayana Graha Vihara in Jakarta.
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Ramayana in Borobudur Temple in Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia

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