ටී.වී ලංකා B.A.C. Abeywardena හෙළි කරන ලිපිය...!!!
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ , භෞමික රුපවාහිනී විකාශ ඩිජිටල් කරණය ව්යාපෘතිය (Digitalization of Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Project ) සඳහා තම ආයතනය විසින් ඩොලර් මිලියන 13 ක අවම අර්පණයක් ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබියදි ජපාන රජය සමඟ එම ව්යාපෘතිය වෙනුවෙන්ම ඩොලර් මිලියන 130 ක යෙන් ණය අවබෝධතා ලිපි හුවමාරු කරගැනීම ට ජනමාධ්ය හා ප්රවෘත්ති ඇමැති කෙහෙළිය රඹුක්වැල්ල සහ ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ජපාන තානාපති නොබුහිතෝ හුබෝ ක්රියා කිරිමේ සිද්ධිය පිටුපස දෙපාර්ශ්වය අතර රාජ්ය තාන්ත්රීක මට්ටමිනුත් පුද්ගලික මට්ටමිනුත් මහ පරිමාණ වංචාවකට මුල පුරා ඇතැයි සුප්රසිද්ධ ටී.වී ලංකා සැටලයිට් නාලිකාවේ හිමිකරුව සිටි ශ්රී ලංකාවේ පුරෝගාමි විදුලි සංදේශ විද්වතෙකු හා පසුගිය මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ රජය යටතේ කලක් ශ්රී ලංකා තේ මණ්ඩලයේ සභාපති ධුරය ලද Electroteks Global Networks (Pte.) Ltd හි කළමනාකාර අධ්යක්ෂ B.A.C. Abeywardena පවසයි.
මේ සමිබන්ධයෙන් ශ්රී ලංකා විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිෂන් සභාවේ හිටපු අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් අනුෂ පැල්පිට,හිටපු එහි සභාපති ලලිත් වීරතුංග,හිටපු ජනමාධ්ය අමාත්ය කෙහෙළිය රඹුක්වැල්ල,වත්මන් මාධ්ය අමාත්ය ගයන්ත කරුණාතිලක හා ශ්රී ලංකා විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිෂන් සභාවේ වත්මන් ප්රධානින්ට ලිපියක් ලියමින් ඔහු වැඩිදුරටත් පෙන්වා දි ඇත්තේ මෙම ගනු-දෙනුව ජපානයට දිම මගින් රුපියල් බිලියන 17 කට අධික මහජන මුදල් අයථා පරිහරණයක් සිදු කිරිම සඳහා අදාළ පාර්ශ්ව කටයුතු කරමින් සිටි හෝ සිටින බවයි.
අදාළ ව්යාප්තියට අදාළ ටෙන්ඩර් කැදවිමේදි ඒ සදහා අවශ්ය සියලු තාක්ෂණ දැනුම,උපාංග හා පළපුරුද්ද තම සමාගම හා එයට අනුබද්ධ සමාගමට තිබු බව මෙම ලිපියෙන් පෙන්වා දෙන බී.ඒ.සී අබේවර්ධන මහතා මෙයට අදාළව රුපියල් 25,000 ක තැන්පතුවක්ද සිදු කර තිබු පසුබිමක තමන්ගේ අර්පණය ප්රතික්ෂේප කිරිම පිළිබඳව හෝ කිසිදු හේතු දැක්විමක් පවා ඔවුන් සිදු නොකර අදාළ ව්යාපෘතිය ජපානයට දිමට ක්රියා කරමින් පවතින බවද කියයි.
එසේම,මෙම ව්යාපෘතියට අදාළ ඇතැම් උපාංග රජයට ප්රදානයක් ලෙස ලබා දිමටද පවා තම සමාගම සුදනම්ව සිටියදි තමන් සිදු කල රුපියල් 25,000 ක තැන්පතුවද ආපසු නොදි මේ ආකාරයෙන් තම සමාගම සිදු කළ අර්පණ මුදලට වඩා 10 ගුණයක මුදලකට අදාළ ව්යාපෘතිය ජපානයට දිමට යන්නේ කවර පදනමක් මත පිහිටාදැයි ඔහු සිය ලිපිය මගින් අදාළ පාර්ශව මගින් විමසා සිටිති.
මෙම ලිපියට ලැබෙන ප්රතිචාර මත පදනම්ව මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් අදාළ වගකිව යුතු පාර්ශ්වයන්ට එරෙහිව පුද්ගලිකවත් රාජ්ය තාන්ත්රික මටිටමිනුත් නීතිමය පියවර ගන්නා බවද බී.ඒ.සී අබේවර්ධන පවසා සිටියේය.
මේ ඔහු විසින් අදාළ පාර්ශ්ව වෙත යොමු කළ ලිපියයි.
ELECTROTEKS Electroteks Global Networks (Pte.) Limited
Head Office : 68, Attidiya Road Ratmalana, Sri Lanka. )011-2637430 2011 -2605104 | |
1. Mr. Anusha Palpita - Former Director General TRCSL
2. Mr. Lalith weeratunga - Former Chairman TRCSL
3. The Director General of Telecommunications,
4. Keheliya Rambukwella ( MP ) - Former Minister of Media and Information Technology
5. Gayantha Karunathilaka - The Minister of Media and Information Technology
Dear Sirs,
We wish to draw your attention to the information published in Sunday Observer dated 14th September 2014, a copy of which is attached, on the subject of obtaining a loan of US$ 130 Million ( Rs. 17,400,000,000/- ) from the government of Japan to set up a Digital TV network in Sri Lanka.
All of you, except the present Minister of Media & Information Technology Hon. Gayantha Karunathilaka, knew that Expression of Interest was called to set up a Digital Video Broadcasting Infrastructure at the Colombo Lotus Tower, by way of publishing an advertisement in Ceylon Daily News dated 24th July 2013 and in several other news papers.
We also wish to remind you that our Company had also submitted its expression of interest by way of a letter and a complete technical dossier.
All of you knew that our Company together with our subsidiary Company Television & Radio Networks is the pioneer Digital Television broadcasting Company in Sri Lanka and is one of the
most experienced organization in Asia on the subject of Digital Television Broadcasting.
You also knew that we together with Television & Radio Networks are operating a large Digital TV network in Jaffna peninsula from the year 2010 using both European DVB-T standard and later with Chinese developed DTMB technical standard.
Also you knew that we have been operating both DTMB and European DVB-T2 standard digital TV network with a large client base covering entire Western Province for many years.
With vast experience gained by operating all major digital TV standards like DVB-T , DVB-T2 and DTMB based digital TV networks in Sri Lanka, we submitted our Expression of Interest to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission on 12th August 2013 together with a bank draft issued by the Seylan Bank for Rs.25,000/- requested to be submitted with the offer.
All of you, except the present Minister Hon. Gayantha Karunathilaka, would have noticed that we proposed to supply all the equipment needed for this proposed national Digital TV project, FREE OF CHARGE, with the world’s most advanced digital TV technology standard DVB-T2.
If you had any technical knowledge on this subject, you would have noticed that we are transmitting 30 digital TV channels in a frequency allocated for a single analog TV channel using this most spectrum efficient technology.
After receiving our offer to supply all the equipment needed for this project Free of Charge, as it is contrary to your intentions, you all jointly planned to buy the necessary equipment, using a highly inefficient, substandard and old technology at a staggering amount of Rs. 17,400 Million ( Rs. 17,400,000,000 ) from a Japanese Company. We noticed that the former Minister Keheliya Rambukwella signed an agreement with the visiting Japanese premier to obtain a loan of appx. US$ 130 Million.
With this You have made another huge burden on the heads of the poor public who have already burdened with an unbearable cost of living as a result of the corruption of the most corrupted regime ever ruled Sri Lanka in which you have partnered and contributed except Hon. Gayantha Karunathilaka among the above named persons.
You have never given any reason why you did not make any attention to our offer and you simply ignored even replying our quarries on what had happened to our proposal for which we have paid Rs. 25,000/- as a deposit.
The entire Sri Lankan project we estimated to complete at around US$ 13 Million and we wanted to give those equipment Free of Charge to the Government of Sri Lanka to implement the proposed Digital TV project to the highest technical standards in the world.
Instead you planned to buy outdated and highly inefficient equipment at 10 times ( 1000% ) of the actual cost, keeping the same tradition of the former corrupt regime which carried out most of the projects in Sri Lanka with the similar extended margins.
We forward herewith, just to make you remember, the paper advertisement calling for Expression of Interest for the digital TV project and it’s extension advertised again, our offer, copy of our payment and the receipt.
We need an immediate explanation why you decided to waste such a colossal sum of money ( Rs. 17,400,000,000/- ) on purchasing equipment for this project while a fellow Sri Lankan firm wanted to give everything as a grant. We hope that we have the right to ask as citizens of Sri Lanka and also as a party who paid Rs.25,000/- as a deposit to this offer which has never been returned.
Unless we receive a satisfactory explanation in return , we wish to make a formal complain to the Bribery and Corruption Commission in this regard as we suspect that a huge kickback is involved in this project as it has evaluated at more than 10 times the actual cost.
We also wish to request the authorities to make an evaluation on your wealth to see whether that had been acquired illegally out of this project as a kickback.
We also wish to obtain a restraining order from the Courts in this project to prevent the Sri Lankan public loose a huge amount of money.
We consider our attempt in this regard as our national duty as a new era has emerged in the country.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely
Managing Director
1. Conceptual Technical Report
a.) Technologies
Our Company has considerable experience in establishing DVB-T, DTMB and DVB -T2 terrestrial digital video broadcasting networks in Sri Lanka to cover Jaffna , Colombo and several other areas and operating it for a large client base for the broadcast licensee Television and Radio Networks.
With broad experience in DVB-T, DTMB and DVB-T2 digital video broadcasting we recommend to use DVB-T2 standard for the deployment at the Lotus Tower due to its highest digital bit rate that could be achieved in a 8 Mhz radio frequency spectrum which goes up to 50 Mbps at 256 QAM modulation against 21 Mbps achieved with DTMB.
DVB-T is totally out of date in technology and not suitable in deployment at this stage when far superior DVB-T2 Set Top Box pricing has commenced its downward trend to affordable levels.
The notable features of DVB-T2 technology
· Highest spectral efficiency ( 50 Mbps at 256 QAM constellation )
· Use of multi PLP ( Physical Layer Pipes ) capability
· Application of Single Frequency Network ( SFN ) operation
· Possibility of use of Repeaters for blind areas
· Energy efficient
· Possible use in vehicles
· Capability in adopting various services in one platform
· Moderately priced Set Top Boxes ( not the lowest at present when compared with DVB-T or DTMB ) with a downward trend in pricing.
· Possible adoption of HD channels as a result of higher available digital bandwidth compared with all other technologies
· Possible use with mobile devices
Required facilities from Lotus Tower
1. Space for the transmission room ( at least 12 ft X 24 ft ) 9 ft height
2. Electrical Power ( 3 Phase 415 Volts )
3. Air Conditioning
4. Generator back up
5. Uninterrupted Power Supply ( UPS ) which could even be supplied by us
6. Access to the Antenna array ( assuming that the tower is consisted of a antenna array or multiple antenna array ) and the space in the antenna tower to fix an Omni directional or 270 deg antenna array if it is not supplied.
7. Fiber connectivity to bring in the digital video broadcast streams of other operators in case of difficulties in fixing microwave radios
The entire cost of the deployment of digital video broadcasting infrastructure including the following equipment, but not limited, will be supplied absolutely FREE OF CHARGE by Electroteks
List of equipment needed and proposed to be supplied
DVB-T2 Transmitters ( 3 – 5 Kw ) , one transmitter per frequency basis ( 3 transmitters
if 3 frequencies are allocated, but not limited)
Power Combiner
RF Cables
UPS ( if not supplied by TRCSL )
H.264 SD & HD Encoders ( highest quality most probably from Thompson of France )
( Required number of Encoders will be provided and not limited )
Signal Processors and SFN adaptors from Thompson of France duplicated
DVB-T2 Modulators
And the installation & operation
The Set Top Boxes will be supplied at the lowest market price for the users
The Company Electroteks Global Networks Private Limited was incorporated in 1999 as a Board of Investment approved venture to invest and carry out telecommunication network projects with Rs. 1000 Million investment. Electroteks Global Networks Private Limited engaged in many telecommunication and TV broadcasting installations mainly for the telecom license holder Electroteks Limited and for broadcasting license holder Television and Radio Networks.
Among the major infrastructure projects carried out by the Company the following installations are most significant in the technology and the values are concerned
1. Installation of 2 nos. 9.3 meter C-Band 4-Port Standard B Satellite Earth Stations at Ratmalana
Antennae are from Andrew Corporation of USA with 400 Watt Power Amplifiers together with chain of equipment including Modulators and Combiners, tracking equipment and beacon receivers
2. Installation of a 9.4 meter Ku-Band 4-Port Satellite Earth Station as a VSAT Hub
Antennae are from Andrew Corporation of USA with 60 Watt Power Amplifiers together with chain of equipment including Modulators and Combiners, tracking equipment and beacon receivers
It is pertinent to mention the acceptance of 9.3m C band antenna as a Standard B satellite earth station by Intelsat is not very common.
Electroteks is the only Company in this region who has the capability and the know how in assembling and installing large satellite antenna and adjusting and focusing the sub reflectors
3. Installation of a VSAT Hub to be used for the Nanasala project funded by the World Bank through ICTA and operation of it.
4. Installation of over 200 VSAT stations for the Nanasala project and maintenance of them for almost 4 years
5. Installation of a Digital Satellite Broadcasting network to transmit several digital television channels under the logo TV Lanka to cover Asia, Middle East, Far East and Europe with several very high quality digital video broadcasting channels together with Electroteks Limited and Television and Radio Networks in the year 2001
6. Installation of Analog and Digital broadcasting equipment in Sri Lanka for Television and Radio Networks at 7 broadcasting stations deploying DVB-T , DTMB and DVB -T2 broadcasting technologies and equipment
7. Construction of an optical fiber network covering the entire Colombo district for the use of Electroteks Limited ( a licensed operator )
8. Installation of 2 nos. Class 5 telephone switches for Electroteks Limited
9. Installation of 2 Nos. Class 5 Telephone switches for Global Electroteks Limited of UK which is a telecom operator in UK licensed by OFTEL
10. Successful completion in assisting Flag Telecom / Reliance Telecommunications undersea optical fiber laying project earning US$ 16 Million.
11. Design and Development of high end IP Routers, Firewalls, IP and Digital Telephone systems, Tele-banking and other banking products, Calling Card Platforms, Voice Compression equipment, automated television program play out systems, systems for television program archiving
12. Development of SCDMA/COFDM based voice and data transmission system for mobile and rural applications operating on 1800 MHz mobile guard band and also in 400 MHz band. Rs. 90 Million has been paid to TRCSL as frequency charges for this guard band
13. Jointly developing a factory to manufacture DTMB and DVB-T2 Set Top Boxes with Guilin CEKE Telecommunications Co. Ltd., of China
14. Completing in investment and building a 160,000 sq. ft four storied facility at Ratmalana to house TV studios, Satellite Earth Stations, Research and Development facilities and assembly plants for many telecom and broadcasting receiving equipment.
The TRCSL had the information on most of the above activities
Statement of Audited Accounts for Three ( 03 ) Years :
The Audited Financial Statements for the Periods 2010 – 2011 , 2009 – 2010 and 2008 – 2009 are attached herewith
Non Refundable Deposit :
Included a Managers Cheque for Rs. 25,000/- from the Seylan Bank
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