
Monday, January 19, 2015

මේ නරුමයාට නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කරනු...!!!

ගංගාරාම විහාරස්ථානයේ සිටින ඇතාට හිංසාකාරී අයුරින් බීමත්ව සිටින ඇත්ගොව්වෙකු විසින්  සලකන අයුරු වීඩියෝවක් .මෙසේ අහිංසක සතුනට වද හිංසා පැමිණවීම කෙතරම් අමානුෂිකද...!!! විශේෂයෙන්ම බෞද්ධ විහාරස්ථානයකදීම.
මෙම වීඩියෝව ගත් පුද්ගලයාටද මෙම නරුමයා අසැබි ලෙසින් බැණ වැදී තිබුණා...

Today I went to feed Ganga bananas like I do once or twice a week when I am in Colombo . His normal mahout was not there instead it was a young, questionably drunk man with a tshirt on that said "if you're rich, I'm single" who was ruthlessly whipping him and scolding him in filth calling him a "hutho" (sp?) ... Three times he whipped him so hard that he broke his stick and had to go get new ones, so as to continue the beating , then he began yelling at me to go away. So I walked around the temple for a little bit then came back, and asked someone else if I could give him the bananas, the mahout said that Ganga was having a bad stomach and couldn't eat them (even though he had just passed some well formed seemingly normal dung), then his story changed to that this particular elephant was actually too dangerous for anyone else aside from him to approach (even though I hug him every week)however five mins later his story changed yet again and he said I could give him bananas if I paid him , ( I have never been asked to pay in the past) i didn't agree to any payment but instead took my opportunity, I walked up to Ganga and he excitedly greeted me like he always does. He happily ate the bananas , even lifting up his trunk and letting me put them directly into his mouth as per usual. (Such a dangerous elephant) Then as I was leaving the mahout was suddenly acting very nice, as he again asked me for money. I refused, and he became very aggressive and started shouting at me, he told me I was never allowed to come back to the temple , with a lot of swear words mixed in. I truly felt sick watching the beating unfold. Unfortunately I wasn't able to catch the worst of it on video, including the harsh gouging with the Akhusa which he put aside when he saw me watching , however the whipping and harsh ear pulling continued relentlessly until he realized I was filming, and resumed every time i stopped filming. Now what I would like to know is A. If this is how they are treating an elephant in a temple, and a famous temple for all the many locals and tourists that visit it to see, how are they treating the ones not in the temples and when no one is watching . And B. How do I get this idiot fired. Let me know The video is only a few mins of the beating that was going on for over 20 mins, when he realized I was videoing he calmed down for a bit but as soon as I would stop he would resume the beating with vigor. Ganga is 8 and is a very gentle natured and amazing juvenile elephant. I trust that the temple will do the right thing and fire this man.
 Adam Flamer-Caldera

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